HPRAR Info & Links to App
This area provides quick downloads and information for various member types. Please familiarize yourself with the correct forms that match your desired status.
Please contact the Association office at 336-889-8181 or info@hprar.org or current schedule of dues/fees.

To begin the membership process as the Designated REALTOR® of your company, you will need to complete the Designated REALTOR® application. If you wish to gain access to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), please also complete the MLS Company Application Form. These applications/forms are listed below.
To begin the membership process as a REALTOR®, you will need to complete the REALTOR® application. The application is listed below.
To begin the membership process as the Secondary Designated REALTOR® of your company, you will need to complete the Secondary Designated REALTOR® application. If you wish to gain access to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), please also complete the MLS Company Application Form. These applications/forms are listed below. When submitting your application, please include a letter of good standing from your primary Association/Board.
Secondary Membership - Broker in Charge
Secondary Membership - Non BIC
To begin the membership process as an Affiliate Member, you will need to complete the Affiliate Member Application. If you have more than one person at your company that would like to be a member, please fill out the Secondary Affiliate Application. The applications are listed below. Please note Affiliate Member pay both local and state dues.
If you are a current HPRAR REALTOR® Member and are changing firms, you will need to complete the transfer form. The transfer fee amount is located on the form or you can call Bonnie Blackwell for the amount. The form is listed below.
Supra Keyholder Agreement
This agreement is required to be completed by all keyholders.